How to Fix a No Signal Error on Your Monitor

When you switch on your personal computer and find that the monitor displays a black screen with the word? no signal? You are not the only single person. Many people have had this annoying problem and thought, what went wrong? Here, we will talk about possible reasons why your monitor displays a no-signal message and how to fix it.

No Signal Error on Your Monitor

What Does No Signal Mean on computer screen?

The monitor says no signal, which means that it is not getting any visual information from your computer. This can happen for a number of reasons, such as

  • The VGA or HDMI cable between your computer and monitor is loose, broken, or not suitable.
  • Reboot your computer. Sometimes an easy restart will fix the problem.
  • Sometimes your computer resolution is too high, then causes the problem, set it correct.
  • Your computer’s power source or CPU is broken or does not work right.
  • If you use a graphics card, it can also be faulty.
  • May monitor internal pars or power cable faulty or damaged for black screen or not powered.

How to Fix a No Signal Error on Your Monitor

Before you stress and think your computer or monitor is broken, try these simple steps to fix the “no signal” problem on your monitor 

1. Check The connected Cable

How to Fix a No Signal Error on Your Monitor
Check The connected Cable for

Be sure to double-check the VGA OR HDMI cable and plugs. Make sure that the monitor and the computer are both properly connected to the video cable wire. If you can, switch to a new cable or try a different port on your PC or display if available. The “no signal” error may also be caused by a broken cable or connection.

2. Restart your Computer

Sometimes simple reboot or restart can fix the no signal error by resetting the display settings and resolving any software problem. To restart your computer, press and hold the power button for a few seconds until shuts down completely. Then, turn it back on and see if the monitor works.

3. Reset your Monitor

Reset your monitor. Some monitors have a reset option that can restore the default settings and clear any errors. To reset your monitor use a menu option that says reset or factory reset.

4. Change the resolution using the Open Safe mode computer

Change the resolution using the Open Safe mode computer
Change the resolution using the Open Safe mode computer

Many times when the computer opens then suddenly shows no signal on your monitor, which means your computer resolution is too high. Then simply Open your computer in Safe Mode by pressing F8 change the resolution to normal and try the computer start without any error.

To Do this you can follow the below steps:

  • Right-click an empty desktop space and select Display settings.
  • Under Scale and Layout, Click Display resolution and select a lower resolution from the drop-down.
  • Click OK or keep changes to apply the modifications and test the restart of your computer.

5. Monitor may be a Faulty

Check if your monitor is faulty. Try borrowing a monitor from a friend, neighbor, or any source (she might make you cookies while you troubleshoot). If the borrowed monitor works, talk to yours.

6. Graphic card error

Sometimes graphic cards may cause this type of problem the first time you remove your card ( Before removing the graphic card make sure and check with another monitor same problem appears.) and clean your graphic card golden pin properly with a rubber. Then reinsert the card and recheck your problem solve. If not solved then try another graphic card and see the result.

7. Ram Reinserted.

Sometimes RAM causes all the drama. Reinstall your RAM sticks. Using numerous RAM sticks one at a time can help you identify rogue sticks, which can cause no display difficulties.

8. Resetting BIOS or Changing Damage Battery

Reset the BIOS
Reset the BIOS

You can try also resetting the BIOS battery

  • Unplug all wires from your PC and turn it off
  • Find the CMOS battery by opening the casing.
  • You shouldn’t need to exert much pressure to simply remove it from the motherboard.
  • Place the BIOS battery back in its same between 1 to 5 minutes later.

Remember that the above procedure may differ based on your device.

9. Motherboard damage or VGA power supply

If none of the following techniques work, your computer’s power supply or motherboard may be defective. Your computer and display get power and data from these components. Incorrect or broken ones might prohibit your monitor from getting a signal.

You must open your computer casing to visually inspect these components. Burns, fractures, leaks, and loose connections indicate physical deterioration. You may need to replace any you find.


The no signal error on your display might be irritating, but it does not indicate your computer or monitor is doomed. Following these basic procedures may allow you to fix it yourself without spending much time or money. If none of these steps work, you may require a professional technician.


How do you fix a no input signal error on monitor?

Check to see if your machine has power. Check that the back of the monitor and the back of the computer are firmly linked with the monitor cable. Check to see if you have your monitor set to the right source of information. If none of these work, either the monitor or the video card could be broken.

Why No signal on monitor but CPU running ?

May be the cable is not connected properly or loose for any reason, RAM removed their slots, Inserted them correctly, and checked.

Can faulty RAM cause no display?

Yes, bad RAM can make your computer’s screen go blank. If the RAM doesn’t work right, your computer won’t be able to start or run right.

Can CMOS battery cause no display?

Yes, a bad CMOS battery can make your computer’s screen go blank. If you lose the BIOS settings, the computer doesn’t know how to talk to its display hardware. So, it can’t make a picture appear on the screen.